Build an exceptional vehicle rental platform with car rental script

  • 04 Jul 2018

Vehicle renting business model is now taking a new turn to attract customers with on demand vehicle renting practices. Online space rental business is one of the smart and easy ways to make money. This trendy business model is gaining great demand among aspiring start up business people. QONOTECH has come up with unique formula of own car rental script.

Entrepreneurs are not looking for developing booking application from scratch and are looking for a complete ready-to-go solution. It is the best option to customize the readymade rental software based on their business requirements. This facilitates entrepreneurs to become part of this successful online rental business by choosing the software. Take a look at HomestayDNN  car rental soltions to build a smart online platform for car renting and booking purpose.

HomestayDNN car rental software- Highlighting features

HomestayDNN vehicle rental script adapted to business logic of airbnb rental marketplace. People who want to rent out cars or book card can do it by hourly or day basis. The efficient admin panel enables entrepreneurs to monitor each bookings and listings easily.

Listing a car

Car owner can list any number of cars with necessary information.


List various type of cars under specification based on your car category listed in car rental script

Location based rental

It allows car owners to rent their cars based on their location in our vehicle rental management software.

Admin dashboard

Admin of the car rental software can view and manage all site activities such as user arrival, rented car details with revenue generated and much more with intuitive admin panel.

SEO support

Turn your car rental website into seo friendly website and bring your website in top search results in search engines with SEO support.

Car features

Vehicle owners can list their car with more specific features to attract more users by using our rental script.

Currency Conversion

Car rental users can rent cars and pay their bills any type of currency based on our currency conversion options.

Why you should buy HomestayDNN rental software?

This readymade car rental script is developed for helping the entrepreneurs to effortlessly launch their customized vehicle rental platform swiftly. By taking this immediate online car rental software, it allows the entrepreneurs to launch their own online auto rental system in minutes. They can immensely reach out absolute needs of the target audience with our car rental system.
